International System of Units (SI)
In the field of engineering, it is essential that theoretical results be compared with experimental ones and that different designs be evaluated quantitatively. This is only possible in an effective manner when there is a standardization of the measurement units...
Lightning Protection Systems – LPS
Lightning strikes represent a significant threat to buildings, power transmission lines, and electronic equipment. Implementing a robust Lightning Protection System (LPS) is essential to minimize damage caused by these events. In this article, we explore the components, methods, and best...
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Types of Printers and Their Differences
The history of printing dates back more than a thousand years. The earliest records of printing come from ancient China, where wooden blocks were used to print texts and images. However, it wasn’t until the 15th century, with the invention...
George Boole: The Genius of Logic
George Boole, born on November 2, 1815, was an English mathematician and logician whose invaluable contributions to the field of logic laid the foundations for the computer age. This article will explore Boole’s fascinating life, his impact on mathematics, and...
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Thales of Miletus observes that amber, when rubbed with the skin of a sheep, attracts small pieces of straw, cloth, bird feathers, and other materials.
The first capacitor, or condenser, known as the Leiden jar, was invented.
The American Benjamin Franklin conducts experiments with lightning.
The German mathematician and physicist Georg Simon Ohm establishes the laws related to electric current intensity.
The patent for the telephone is granted to Graham Bell.
The first computer (ENIAC), with 18,000 tubes and weighing 3 tons.